Because there will be no us without you...

PalKeeper technology

Is specifically curated with you in mind; decentralizing revenue with resourceful logic executed by imaginative algorithm that incentivizes value

  • Seamless ad network
  • P2P Gig Commerce
  • Real Time Location condition alert
  • Incentivizing online presence
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Safety + More

Who We Are?

PalKeeper is a social business technology platform designed to provide users with unique and engaging online experience. PalKeeper leverages advanced technologies, ethical data practices, fair revenue sharing and user empowerment to revolutionize the social media landscape.

Our Vision

To create a decentralized social media platform where users have full control over their data, directly earn revenue from their contents and participation; fostering ethical data practices, as well as a fair and healthy online ecosystem.

Our Mission

In addition to incentivizing our users’ online presence with decentralized revenue generation opportunities, PalKeeper aims to empower users with innovative features that promotes a positive sense of community, safety, and well-being.

Our Commitment

Within our vision and mission is unwavering commitment to provide safety tools and source of sustainability for our users.

PalKeeper Circles

Executive Team

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Uko Uko

Chief Executive Officer

Read Uko's Bio
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Etieno Uko

Chief People Resource Officer

Read Etieno Bio

Etieno Uko is the Chief People’s Officer at PalKeeper. She supports the company's Africa's human resources; recruiting; workplace; and diversity, equity, and inclusion teams. Etieno holds a B.A. (Hons) in Human Resources Management from Ghana Christian University College.
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Raphael Obot

Chief Administrative Officer

Read Raphael Obot Bio

Raphael Obot is the Chief Administrative Officer at PalKeeper. “Ralph” as he is widely known presides over the organization’s Africa’s regional office administration. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration from the University of Science and Technology, Calabar, as well as a National Diploma in Business management from the School of Accountancy and business studies – Uyo.